I got some new sterling silver bails a couple of days ago and I love how they look with sea glass!! These beauties are all made from glass found on Seaham Beach in England. Old glass, in great colours.
It was so much fun to fire up the Dremel again. I wish I had the time to make jewelry more often. I do cherish the free moments when I get have some ‘me’ time in the arts and crafts room.
Check out my Etsy shop.
This sea glass pendant mosaic is made with English Sea Glass. The glass is 90-160 years old. (The glass was found in an area that was once home to a couple of Victorian glass factories that operated from the 1850’s until the 1920s.) I have heaps and heaps of Lake Erie sea glass -which I love dearly, but oooooh laaaa laaaaa those English colours!!!!!!!!!
I will be opening my Etsy shop soon and will be selling these mosaic pendants.
I have sea glass envy. I would travel to England just for the sea glass – even though I hate flying in a very, very, very, very, very big way.
I see photos of perfectly frosted, round gems – plucked from English shores, and shake my head; if only I would have known about sea glass 18 years ago when I was backpacking in Britain. Then again, it’s doubtful I would have been able to jam much into that already crammed-to-capacity backpack.
Someday I will visit Britain once again carrying an empty suitcase, instead of a backpack.
Photo: Tideline Designs